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Klingon Phaser From Star Trek Iv The Voyage Home Metal Core, Very Heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy
Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy
Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy
Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy
Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

This is the Klingon phaser as seen in Star Trek IV The Voyage Home. If you remember the movie, Chekov is caught with it on the nuclear wessel. The FBI agent who's interrogating him, not realizing it's a disruptor, leaves it within Chekov's reach. When Chekov grabs it and attempts to stun the FBI agent, the phaser fails. "Must be the radiation, " he says. This has a heavy metal core. I designed this from the ground up, modeling it after screenshots and technical drawings by the set designers.

I have worked to keep it as close to canon as possible. Because I built it around a metal core, it is quite heavy.

I do this on purpose. I've never liked cosplay props that weigh one-tenth of what they should in real life. I've experimented with different core weights here, putting this in the hands of Star Trek fans. I think I've nailed it--they say the size and weight of this one are exactly what they would expect for a Klingon phaser of this size. My intent with this design is to closely mimic what the device would actually look like if it were in regular use, perhaps in battle, banged around, and sitting unused at the end of the day.

I want it convincing under close scrutiny, sitting in a display, or resting atop a desk. By way of background, I designed my first prop for television almost 35 years ago. The methods were a bit different then.

In recent years I keep my design skills sharp by modeling props that are not available, or not done well. I don't mass produce anything I sell -- I finish each one by hand. You can return it if you're not happy.

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy

Klingon phaser from Star Trek IV The Voyage Home metal core, very heavy